Embedded Touch Screen Monitor is an electronics component that allows the monitoring of certain handsets, by simply detecting their physical proximity with corresponding buttons on the touch sensitive screen. Touch screen monitors are highly useful devices that have found numerous applications in various fields. They are mostly used for monitoring equipment in manufacturing plants. In such application, it becomes extremely important to have the data updated on a regular basis. Touch screen monitors are also used in various other environments.

One such popular application is for medical physicians. Such a device helps doctors to keep a track of patient’s vital signs and even record vital information like blood pressure and pulse. A wide variety of vendors have come up with variants of embedded touch screen monitor that support different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Solaris, and others. Some embedded touch screen monitor vendors manufacture a complete open frame system that is easy to use, cost-effective and comes with comprehensive documentation.
A major advantage of using an open frame touch screen monitor is that it helps save space. The entire system can be placed in one small box that requires no wall space. The monitor is slimmer than a standard monitor and easily fits in a locker or a small file box that is usually kept in the doctor’s office.
A resistive touch screen is another kind of monitor that uses a sensor to detect the user’s activity. It utilizes two transistors to detect any touching or movement of the finger on the screen. This type of monitor has a built-in power supply and the user need not buy an external power supply. However, this type of monitor has no native software and the user has to install it using a PC or a PDA. Capacitive touch monitors are a little more expensive than resistive touch screens.
The benefits of embedded touch screen monitor over a traditional monitor embedded in the computer is that there is no clutter to deal with. The monitor embedded in the computer is hidden from view, and it does not take up valuable desk space. Even though the monitor is smaller than the rest, it is still noticeable when the mouse is used.
An embedded monitor has some advantages over other monitor systems such as a stand-alone monitor. Embedded monitors have a higher response time and low power consumption than stand-alone monitors. The monitor embedded in the computer is also useful for training purposes because it can be used for video surveillance. The embedded monitor embedded in the computer also offers better audio and visual quality than the normal monitor.